Annual Report

Every year an annual report of the foundation will be made public in the first quarter of the new year. This report is written in Dutch but contains an English summary at the end. Click on the links below to view the annual reports (PDF files).

iSTEPup Annual Report – Jaarverslag 2023

iSTEPup Annual Report – Jaarverslag 2022

iSTEPup Annual Report – Jaarverslag 2021

iSTEPup Annual Report – Jaarverslag 2020

iSTEPup Annual Report  -Jaarverslag 2019

iSTEPup Annual Report – Jaarverslag 2018


iSTEPup strategy and policy

Details of our policy plan, about the iSTEPup strategy and policy, can be found here (full version only available in Dutch).


Quality marks

ANBI = Public Benefit Organisation

Since 2008 the Dutch Tax Administration can designate an institution to be a “Public Benefit Organisation” (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI). Although at least 90% of the efforts of an ANBI has to be focused on the general good, iSTEPup will focus >95% of the efforts on the general good. iSTEPup has been designated a ‘Public Benefit Organisation’ retrospectively from 21th of February 2018 (founding date).

The benefit for you and for iSTEPup?
If in a calendar year the sum of someone’s gifts to ANBIs exceeds 1% of the Dutch threshold income, the excess, with a maximum of 10% of that income, is deductible income. Also the ANBI itself is exempted from inheritance tax and gift tax on inheritances and gifts it receives, except on those made under a condition such that it is not for public benefit. For more info about the ANBI-status click here.

Partin Foundation

Furthermore, iSTEPup is a member of the Partin Foundation which supports private initiatives within the foreign aid sector.

Currently we are looking for more quality marks as for example the CBF (Central Bureau on Fundraising)

The Central Bureau on Fundraising (CBF) is an independent foundation which has been monitoring fundraising by charities since 1925. The CBF’s task is to promote trustworthy fundraising and expenditure by reviewing fundraising organizations and giving information and advice to government institutions and the public. When a charity has been recognized as a charity by the CBF (CBF-erkend goed doel), you can trust that the organisation has been closely reviewed.



iSTEPup is responsible for the processing of personal data. We process the data with the greatest possible care and only in accordance with the applicable law.

If you have any questions, comments or complaints about our privacy policy, you can always contact us at

As foundation iSTEPup we have prepared a document with information about General Claim Data Protection. You can view this document (only available in Dutch) here.