Personal information
Name: Caroline Anyait
Age: 25
Country: Uganda
Study: Medicine

Study information
Study: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (click here for the website)
University: Gulu University
Location: Gulu, Uganda
Start date: August 2018
Graduation: February 2024
Costs per year for iSTEPup: 2.688.000 Ugandan Shilling [€660] (source: click here)
Costs per semester for iSTEPup: 1.344.000 Ugandan Shilling [€330]
Why I need the iSTEPup Foundation
I love working as a medic as it gives me joy and happiness to see my help in treating the sick. My lower levels of studies have not been easy, my helpless parents struggled paying my school fees but they couldn’t do much. Amidst all the pain and struggles I completed primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education. Having worked as a Clinical Officer in Kumi hospital since 2015 after obtaining a Diploma in Clinical medicine and community health, I was able to enroll in August 2018 for a bachelor’s degree in medicine and surgery at Gulu University with the course program planned for a period of five (5) years. Though I worked as a clinical officer, I didn’t feel complete because I had not achieved my goal of being a doctor and it’s why I applied to Gulu University. It was my joy when I was taken up by the University though I worried a lot of the source of tuition fees.
It has been my childhood dream to become a doctor and I have a strong passion to achieve my dream.
Eva wouda, medical doctor in training for global health and tropical medicine (AIGT)
During my internship in Kumi Hospital Uganda I met Anyait Caroline. I noticed right away she was a driven, dedicated woman. She was working in the Outpatient Department, seeing dozens of patients per day and providing them with care. We became close friends, likely because we were interested in the same things (for example paediatrics and infectious diseases), and were both ambitious to improve health care in this low resource setting. We followed the ETAT course together, and another training on prevention and treatment of tuberculosis.
Me as a fifth-year Dutch medical student, her as a local health worker. We learned a lot from each other and in all these interactive moments I noticed she had a way of thinking and a special kind of motivation that made me tell her she had to try for Medicine. She told me that this was too expensive for her, but tried anyway. Now, a little over two years later she managed to get into Gulu university.
I am keen on helping her because I feel this is the kind of student that will return and improve healthcare in the region she was born.
As resident in Global health and Tropical medicine, I like to think in terms of innovation and improving health care, from inside out.
Carol is a strong and confident woman, with a lot of potential. She will not only be of great value to Kumi hospital and its patients, but she will also be a great example for future generations, boys and girls, to improve Ugandan health care.
Thanks a lot for your support!

Study Results
Study Results Caroline Anyait first semester 2019 [Year 1]
Study Results Caroline Anyait second semester 2019 [Year 1]
Study Results Caroline Anyait first semester 2020 [Year 2]
Study Results Caroline Anyait second semester 2020 [Year 2]
Study Results Caroline Anyait first semester 2021 [Year 3]
Study Results Caroline Anyait second semester 2021 [Year 3]
Study Results Caroline Anyait first semester [Year 4]
Study Results Caroline Anyait second semester [Year 4] (Student number: 1801000814)
Study Results Caroline Anyait first semester [year 5] (student number: 1801000814)
News and updates:
Update Caroline Anyait January 2019
Update Caroline Anyait May 2019
Update Caroline Anyait August 2019
Update Caroline Anyait January 2020
COVID-19 Update Caroline Anyait April 2020
Update Caroline Anyait October 2020
Update Caroline Anyait March 2021
Update Caroline Anyait Aug 2021
Update Caroline Anyait April 2022
Update Caroline Anyait August 2022
Update Caroline Anyait February 2023
Update Caroline Anyait March 2023